You never know who is going to come into your life
You never know who is going to leave your life.
In both cases, your life changes Upside down!!
In the first case with some good moments, some addition of happiness, and a sense of fulfillment
and in the second case vice versa of everything...!
Now the question is, 'Why would you even allow anyone to be in charge of your happiness and sadness?'
Both these situation forces us to rely on another person, which is good up to a certain level but after some time YOU GOTTA BE WITH YOU only. No one, literally no one is going to be with you as long as you are going to be with you. And the irony is, that we actually know the truth, but we are so comfortable in choosing lie over the truth that we keep following the same pattern over and over and over again.
Until when?? Until then you will be choosing this!!
When will the right time appear??
When will you choose yourself before anyone??
When will you prioritize yourself ??
Think about it!! Think about it because NOW is the right time.
Think about it because NO ONE will do it for you.
Only you have your back forever your LIFE!
And remember next time when anyone tries to distract YOU from YOU kick them off your life! Because the right one will never distract you but connect you from you much deeper.
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