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Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki

Book Review

Education about money is very important to be known to every individual so that they can solve many of life’s common problems. One of the main motives of this book is to encourage people to be job creators, instead of job seekers. Rich dad poor dad is the number one Personal Finance book of all time to date.

Rich Dad Poor Dad is relevant to those seeking personal finance knowledge. The entire book is presented as a comparison between the mindset or belief of a Rich dad and a highly educated poor dad. This book has challenged the belief that a house is a liability, not an asset, explodes the myth that one needs a high income to be rich, and explains the importance of investing in assets, unboxing the reasons why rich people pay less in taxes.

This book has in total of Nine chapters, with an additional chapter on ‘final thought’ and one of the best parts is that after every chapter it has a Study session plus the space for notes, and the second best part about this book is that it has chapter’s summary of each chapter. It has simplified the financial knowledge through a comparative study of Rich Dad’s vs Poor Dad’s Cash Flow Pattern, Income Statement, Financial Statement, and Balance Sheet.

To conclude, it could be said that it is a must-have book if one wants to avoid money-related problems, as financial education helps to acquire financial freedom. Also, financial education is not taught in schools, so this book has come up with a solution to this problem. The author has explained the difficult terms of accounting and investing clearly and in detail, so it is easily understandable.


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