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Review of the book Think and Grow Rich

Think and Grow Rich a very famous book by Napoleon Hill. This books tell more about guiding ones how they should think ! It explained about the, law of attraction, each chapter of it has something new to learn and one can only see changes after applying that rules which writer has suggested in the book.
Napoleon Hill, has inscribed a short real stories of many successful people who were interviewed by him, he tod in it about their impications of the life's principle, which is mentioned in his books. 
He believed that, one become what one thinks or talk about most of the times. In Think and Grow Rich, he said that,, to achieve something great it is must to follow each and every mentioned principle, some of these are like:
what we want in our  life, we should write it somewhere and should read it aloud before going to bed and after waking up,
we should see ourselves aready in possession of the thing, we dream of!
we should have Burning Desire  backed by Full Faith , to so something bigger.
The book contains, chapters such as specialized knowlede, imagination, organized planning,
persistence, power of master mind and many more..
Some  prominent quotes from his book are ,



To conclude I must say this book is for leaders who want to make some changes to the life of self and others.


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