What is Self Love? It is important to feel a sense of self-love, to be loved by another person. You can't be accepted by anyone if you cannot accept yourself completely. A sense of fulfillment, a sense of wholeness, and a sense of peacefulness are what is called SELF-LOVE. Once you feel that level of acceptance of yourself you will hardly feel that you need any validation from others to make you feel important. I believe that if you can't accept yourself, then no one else will do it for you. Why is it necessary? It is needed in day-to-day life because it helps us to stay focused and positive towards the work we do. Suppose a person is always doubting themselves that they aren't good enough or they think that they are not worthy of love it is more certain that they are not! Because our thought is what creates the reality for us, our perspective of ourselves makes us feel worthy of love. And it all begins with self-love. How we can begin developing self-love? Some tips ...